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You can't see carbon. But it shouldn't remain invisible.


Backed by the prestigious Innovate UK Fast Start Award, our team has developed a cutting-edge monitoring tool for website carbon. It combines data on server type, device and networks to produce a detailed picture of every web page's carbon output. Anyone can sign up, for free.

No card details necessary.

The insights you'll receive on where to improve come from Neuto's advanced comparative method. We have researched efficient websites extensively in order to benchmark performance with confidence.

Using this knowledge, we model your website's 'best case' carbon emissions on a greener version of your existing site. This gives you an indication of whether or not carbon reduction is possible, and at what scale.

*Currently for desktop browsers only.

One-click insights

Know sooner, act sooner



This quick visual snapshot of a website's efficiency is one of Neuto's signature tools. We built it so that results are clear to read and readily accessible. It's an integral part of our web browser plugin and our monitoring tool reports. Our hope is to build awareness over time of how digital design and delivery are producing real-world consequences for the environment.

Google Analytics API

Neuto offers the option to incorporate Google Analytics from your site traffic. Doing so enables us to provide high-precision results using anonymised data on your website users.

Users' location determines energy source, and device type determines kWh consumption.

Monthly Reporting

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We automatically scan your entire site monthly to monitor its performance. Your dashboard reports will show at a glance how you're doing. Annual reports are also available.

Page by page

Our results aren't just accurate. They're also comprehensive. We scan every url within your site and break down the analysis page by page. So if one page is producing far more carbon than the others, you'll see this straightaway.

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B2B Services

Do you need help reporting on your organisation's carbon emissions?

Regulatory framework

The UK is decarbonising industry in its push towards net zero, a target that government has set for 2050. Depending on business size, some reporting is mandatory. We provide standards-ready reports compliant with GHG Protocol Scope 3 emissions.

B2B Services include:

  • 1 automatic scan per month
  • Unlimited storage for reports
  • Unlimited web pages
  • Annual report
  • Certificate
  • Bespoke development

Simple sign-up

The first 200 urls of any domain are FREE to monitor, and always will be.

After 50 urls, we apply a small charge for our service.

Most of our members use Neuto for free.

No card details necessary.

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How we calculate payments

You can opt at any time to upgrade to our premium Zero Hero service. If your website has more than 50 urls, we charge 0.5 pence per url plus a monthly £10 charge.

This gives you unlimited access to reports, dashboard analysis and the option to generate monthly and annual emissions statements.

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